About Upperline Plus
Participant Providers and Preferred Providers
Clinical and Administrative Leaders
Christiana Beveridge, MD
President & Chief Medical Officer
Upperline Plus
David Thorpe
Chief Executive Officer
Upperline Health
Jenn Booker
Population Health Officer
Upperline Health
Michael King, DPM
Chief Medical Officer, Podiatry
Upperline Health
Governing Body
Michael King, DPM
Chief Medical Officer, Podiatry
Upperline Health
Christiana Beveridge, MD
Participant Provider
Upperline Health
Eugene Pascarella, DPM
Participant Provider
Upperline Health
David Thorpe
Chief Executive Officer
Upperline Health
James Rust, DPM
Participant Provider
Upperline Health
Austin Hewlett, DPM
Participant Provider
Upperline Health
Caroline Sullivan
Consumer Advocate
Ursa Health
Terrence Keeley
Medicare Beneficiary
Dr. Robert Hawkins
Medicare Beneficiary
Beneficiary Representative
Dr. Robert Hawkins
Terrence Keeley
Joint Ventures
No joint ventures
Shared Savings and Shared Losses Information
Gross savings / loss: $6,057,890
Net savings / loss: ($1,571,540)
The proportion of Shared Savings invested in infrastructure, redesigned care processes, and other resources necessary to improve outcomes and reduce Medicare costs for Beneficiaries: N/a
The proportion of Shared Savings distributed to Participant Providers and Preferred Providers: N/a
Quality Measures
Total quality score: 70.4%
Risk-Standardized, All-Condition Readmissions (ACR) score: 15.72
Risk-Standardized, All-Cause Unplanned Admissions for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions (per 100 person-years) (UAMCC) score: 33.82
Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions (TFU) score: 75.61
Contact for Additional Information
Upperline Plus
4101 Charlotte Ave
Suite F185
Nashville, TN 37209